Yes I did hear correctly. This was going to be my first 25-man Naxx run as a healer! Unbelievable. We absloutely wrecked the spider wing. It helped that we had a 10 man run the night earlier. We knew what to do and what to expect - it was just a little harder. I was healing main tank and some raid during the run. It was a ton of fun. We managed to knock out the spider wing and the plague quarter and I did end up getting a nice glove upgrade. I had rolled on 5 different items in there and only one the item that nobody else rolled on. I kept rolling numbers like 1 and 4 and 15. I think that I went 1 for 5 on the rolls. I also received the Heroic: The Plague Quarter achievement for my first time through. We ended up getting hung up on Patchwerk and stopped by we had a blast with the first two wings. I'm feeling VERY good as a healer and my role in the raid community.
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