This was an epic fail night. The guild whispered me when I logged in last night and wanted to go do an older instance, Sunwell. I was just getting back into playing after all of my internet issues and the internet technician literally just left the house. We went in there after taking awhile to form a group. I was tasked with keeping the Tank alive. After multiple tries and multiple wipes we called it. We had not done very well and not even really gotten out of the first room. My healing confidence is not at an all time high. I know that groups can make the raid/instance good or bad but when people are dying I take it personally. Maybe I'm not cut out to heal after all. I've tried different styles of healing, different spells, insant heals, group heals, different UI's, I've combed the internet looking for tips and tricks and I'm not sure that it's doing any good. Maybe I'll just go back to 'face-melter' and just live with the expectation that I may never see Nax. Shadow priests aren't really in high demand, at least not on my Kul Tiras server. :(
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