Tuesday, August 4, 2009

25-Man Naxx Pug

I decided to do a Pug 25-man Naxx because I was going to miss my guild run this past weekend and I wanted to stay on the same fight 'learning curve'. I was feeling pretty good with my healing prowess lately and I wanted to go and get 'mad loots'! This group knew what they were doing. My roll dice still weren't working. I watched a head piece, a cloak, a ring, a wand - the loot march was going to the same two other clothies in the raid. This run had loot rules of if you need/want/gotta have it then roll. My roll dice weren't working again and I went down to a miserable 0 for 6 on the run. Aggravation started setting quickly. I wasn't winning anything. We went a little further and I was still losing rolls. I mentioned to one of the guys that I knew in the raid that if I lost one more roll I was ditching this raid. It was beyond crazy. We got to a point where the raid leader said 'the next thing is for Mad'. They even felt sorry for me and I was a pug on their guild raid. LOL! We got to a part where a boss dropped 4 items that I could use. I won 2 in a row - finally- and barely lost on the third. I ended up upgrading 6 items before the raid ended at 2 am on a work night. It was a brutal work day the next day but well worth the lack of sleep for upgrading so many items. I upgraded my shoulders, hands, off hand item, chest, cloak and feet. Amazing how it works out sometimes!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My Roll Cheat Doesn't Work

My roll cheat program doesn't work. What I mean is in the last week I'm 1 for 5 in loot rolls. The only one that I did win was in my 25-man naxx run a few nights ago that nobody else rolled on. That doesn't even really count. I wanted to start improving my gear since I have now become a naxx raid healer (still pinching myself). I started asking around and managed to finagle a 25-man OS run. We did well with very little deaths except myself on the final dragon boss. I popped the soulstone that I had to get into the fight only to be run over by a fire wall that was coming from behind me (that I never saw, /sigh) and died for the 2nd time in 5 seconds. I did get the achievement Heroic: Besting The Black Dragonflight for the effort and had my sights on some Tier 7.5 gloves but lost the roll. 1 for 6 now. We then decided to forge on and try a 25-man VOH run. We went right to the Emalon and failed miserably 3 times before the dropping started. All in all a good night of playing and my heals are coming along. I'm still trying to figure out a healing 'rotation' but I'm really starting to keep tanks and groups standing!