Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Random Thoughts

I've had some recent thoughts on becoming a healer and I thought that I would share them. In my previous experience I've been a DPS'er - burning things down with extreme vengeance. I loved it. I love the thrill of the kill. My other toon is a hunter and he can flat out bring the heat. I love my priest for other reasons; he brings the heat but in different ways. He is a caster. He doesn't rely on weapons so much. With him I feel like I'm using much more skill then hiding behind a blazing cannon that wears mail.
I've just embraced the healer role. I've been level 80 for about a week and already have 6-7 epics. Mostly from items I can make through tailoring and AH purshases. I find myself with a new challenge. I'm challenged by the environment constantly with quests and rep grind and now raids. This is different. When I go into a raid or instance I'm trying to keep the group going. It's a different mindset. Instead of just worrying about me and my damage I now need to be concerned with the entire group. The healer and the tank are the lynch pins to the whole group. If the healer goes down the group dies. If the tank goes down the group dies. There is a much more stress but I love it - I feel alive! When you are taking on a boss it's like they look at me and say 'You're goin' down'; I look right back at them and say 'bring it'! I've added Healbot to my UI and I must say that it helps as far as keeping track of multiple targets and healing them quickly but I've yet to run an instance/raid with it just helping guildies with quests.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Northrend Dungeonmaster

My guild put a group together of me, Branard (tank), Paganstix (dps druid), Frosta (hunter) and bloodyhealin' (priest going as shadow) to take on Halls of Stone. I've been in there once regular and once heroic before on my hunter. Frosta had been in there before but didn't really remember it and noone else had been in there. This will be fun. We got in there and Branard absolutely wrecked the place. Pagan's dps has been going up considerably and Frosta was 4 bars away from 79 and Bloody was nuking away. This was a motivated group and looked like one that was ready to run heroics on a regular basis based on the carnage we created. The most challenging fight in there was a fight were a dwarf tries to shut down this security system. Wave after wave of mobs comes out to get you along with lightning from the ceiling. The group was never in any danger as they all remained standing. Not one death. I got a nice pants upgrade which I quickly embroidered with spell power and spirit along with the Halls of Stone achievement. I was one instance away from Northrend Dungeonmaster needing only Occulus. We had gone through H.O.S. so quickly that everyone wanted to do another run.
With a little discussion we decided to go into Occulus. Branard had to leave for a bit and Bloody was suffering from the remnants of a sunburn so we had to start pugging for group slots. The three of us that were left flew over to Nexxus from Ulduar which was a 10 minute flight! Blizzard needs to work on that. There is no reason why I need to watch my priest on a flying mount for that long. When we got out there I knocked out one of my Wyrmrest dailies. Branard ended up coming back and we got one of our guildies with his geared rogue to come in and do some dps. We entered Occulus with only the rogue having been there before. The wreckage that I have come to expect from Branard continued until we reached this mage that gave us this dragon token. You used it to summon a dragon mount. The rest of the instance would require us to fly around these dragons to different platforms to take out the bosses. On one hand this was a pain in the butt but on the other it was certainly different from anything else I had done before. We were doing fine until the boss before the final dragon. There were 3 specific fights and on the last one we wiped. This mage had a nasty frost aura and every now and then would have this explosion go off and if you weren't standing behind a pillar you took on a ton of damage. I had gotten to far away from the group trying to stay out of the frost to heal effectively. We all got back up on that platform and decided to let Branard tank him while walking backwards with me standing behind him as he backed up. Frosta and the rogue died but I kept Pagan and Branard up while walking backwards. I'm truly seeing the value of group heals as opposed to clicking on individual targets and trying to keep everyone up at the same time. After the mage went down we quickly rezed Frosta and the rogue and continued on. Sometime within this fighting Frosta hit 79. We then flew on our dragons to the last boss fight - one gigantic blue dragon. We absoultely owned him! I got the Occulus achievement along with the Northrend Dungeonmaster achievement. I flew back to Dalaran and was able to train for the Wispcloak! It looks really great on!!

Heroic Healz? It Happened.

This was truly a tremendous night of playing. I wanted to knock out the other three instances that I hadn't completed, Halls of Stone, Utgarde Pinnacle and Occulus but couldn't find any interested players. This truly was a strange night of playing. Nobody that I knew was logged on and nobody it seemed was wanting to do an instance. My tank Branard and druid Paganstix and I were all on twiddling our little toon thumbs when we managed to put a group together for Utgarde Pinnacle. Domination doesn't cover what we did to the instance and I received my Utgarde Pinnacle achievement. Cool beans I thought. Then our tank got antsy. He's been wanting to really start doing heroics as a guild ever since he joined up a week or so ago. I wasn't sure that I was ready for a heroic but sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone. He talked me into it; I was about to enter my first heroic as a healer. We pug'ed another Tauren warrior and an Undead shadow priest. The instance of choice was Violet Hold in Dalaran. A good a place as any to start my heroic pursuits. This definitely kept me on my toes as a healer since the mobs hit harder and had more health. We got down to the last boss, the dragon. It went okay but I couldn't keep them all up. Paganstix and the other warrior went down but Branard our main tank kept going. The shadow priest managed to hang in there as I went down. I healed as fast and often as possible in 'spirit' form and we came within a fingernail of taking the boss down but we wiped. I was in such good spirits because as a first heroic that went very well. With any wipe in Violet Hold you get the extreme pleasure of doing it over again. This time we got down to the that silly dragon and I was ready to go. During the fight I was pulled under the dragon's belly but instead of just running away I would throw a quick renew on Branard and hit a circle of healing and then run! That dragon hit the ground as my Heroic Violet Hold achievement flashed on the screen. I got a nice ring in for my nightly effort but more importantly I held my own in a heroic instance. I'm two instances away from my dungeonmaster achievement. I hit revered rep with Wyrmrest so I get a nice head enchant, new bracers, a 32-slot enchant bag recipe for tailoring and a mace which I think will work for my dps gear. Naxxramus here I come!

Achievement Crackdown

I want to be able to make the Wispcloak so very badly. I still need Halls of Lightning, Halls of Stone Utgarde Pinnacle and Occulus to get the Northrend Dungeonmaster achievement and train with the tailor trainer for the wispcloak. My druid Paganstix (going as the tank), hunter Frosta and priest Bloodyhealin' (going as shadow) were into helping so we decided on Halls of Lightning. We had to pug another dps paladin. I'd been through there on my hunter and it would prove to be challenging on the healing side of the coin. This same group (minus the pally) had tried a few nights earlier but the hunter and priest had to shut there systems down due to a lightning storm. Kind of ironic. Halls of Lightning, lightning strike - ya. Anyway, we got to the first boss and forgot the fight and we got dropped quick. Okay, I thought; don't panic. Every healer starts out this way. The pally dropped immediately and we managed to pick up a mage. I'd prefer the mage in here anyway. It took us quite a while to battle our way through to the very last boss. We wiped once more and one fight came down to me and just the mage. We got to last boss, Loken who throws a really nasty lightning a.o.e. and I was throwing heals like a mad man. Madagan, mad man. Interesting. Moving along. When he threw out the lightning 'spiders' you had to run away and then come back once the threat passed. It was a lot to do with running around and trying to stay within healing range. We wiped on the fight and only managed to get him down to half health. This was a leaning opportunity. The other priest (Bloodyhealin') came up with the idea of healing through the damage. On the next try I kept prayer and renew on the druid while we alternated circle of healing and prayer of mending. Nobody fell below 75% health with that strategy and we dropped the boss. I got the Halls of Lightning achievement and was once step closer to that cloak. I got a nice wand upgrade in there. That was the 2nd boss fight where I needed a little help but the healing skills are coming along nicely. Not bad for a priest who is used to melting faces.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Deal Is Closed

Ding! The deal is done. I now have a level 80 priest!! I had done the daily recommended allowance of dailies when my guild wanted to run something. They were all antsy and they wanted me to be 80. There was an outside warrior that wanted to run with us so after a little discussion we selected COS. (Culling of Stratholme) I had never done this instance in any fashion before so I thought that this would be fun. I wasn't wrong. I'm getting a little more proactive with the heals. About 20 minutes into the run I hit 80 and received the 80 achievement! I got a nice trinket upgrade and a new staff by the time the run was over. As a special present for hitting 80 I bought myself a new epic dagger, the Titansteel Spellblade with a big spirit enchant. Now the real game has begun. I'm trying to now figure out the gear and stats that I will need to make Madagan a truly great healer/melter.

I'm Getting So Close

I knocked out the daily quests and then ended up questing in and around the shadow vault in icecrown. I will at some point need to at least get revered with Ebon Blade but I'm so focused on that drake that I can see nothing else. I was pretty tired so I came within 3 1/2 bars before I hit the elite level of 80. I could have hit it within an hour of play but decided to hold off because I was so tired last night. I also came to realization that to be an effective dps'er and healer that I'm going to need to carry two sets of gear. Maybe I knew this all along but this is the first time that it actually clicked in my head. The gear will come it's just going to be a two-front war.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

That's A PUG For You

I've added the argent tournament dailies to my wyrmrest dailies rotation. It takes about an hour or so to knock out the 8 or so quests. I have to admit that I'm really digging the shadow priest riding an ostrich with a lance!! I got into a group with my guild and we decided to take on Halls of Lightning. This isn't one of the hardest instances but the last boss is a challenge; this would certainly challenge the noobie healer (me). We went in and tore it apart up to the 2nd boss. We were pulling some mobs when our main healer (now blasting away in shadow) and hunter (they are a couple) yelled out that they were going to be shutting their computers down due to an electrical storm in their area. They weren't going to take a chance frying their systems due to a lightning strike. Bummer but understandeable. My stepson who was going as tank, me (now switching to shadow; gotta LOVE duel-spec) and our druid as dps decided to run Gun'Drak. We added a druid healer and another warrior and entered the fray. It was total domination. We got to the 2nd boss when somebody mentioned something about a temple that wasn't activated. The tank went back to activate it since he was a higher level and wouldn't aggro the mobs we had left behind. He ended up getting surprised by a mob so I ran to his position and dropped shadowform to hit him with a few quick heals. He was doing just fine on his own. The other warrior and low level druid ended up running over to where we were and dragged an aggro train to us. We warned them to stay put but we now had quite a situation. The tank ended up jumping into the water below and I did to because I wasn't going to last long with that punishment. When I hit the water 3 fish hit me and stunned me and just about killed me. When we got on dry land again, the train had managed to track us down and ended up killing me. The tank reeled in the mess but I was dead. The dps druid battle rezzed me and I came out swinging, um, well, healing! Once everything was stablized I switched back into shadow and melted the landscape! Noone else died, we survived quite a situation and were left better players for it. We were talking over our vent chat now about our new disdain for the other druid and warrior. We continued on blazing a path to glory. After the last boss was down the other warrior started giving our tank grief about how he needed to get better. Our tank is 12 years old and was tanking with the best of them. They might as well been attacking me when they went after him. Those two were quickly booted and it was a shame that we were already done with the instance. There are 'jerky' players out there but you have to shrug them off and keep going. I also gained the achievements 'Argent Valor' and '50 Daily Quests Completed'. Halfway to 80.

Gear Check

Is it me or does the new gear look like crap in wotlk??? I'm almost level 80, have all blue (superior) items and I look like I'm wearing a bedsheet with dixie cups tied on my shoulders. I have to get 3 months into Nax raiding just to start looking half way decent. Sigh.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Would You Put A 12 Year Old Behind The Wheel Of A Car?

Does anyone else thing that leveling your professions to maximum level is super-expensive? I might just think this because I picked Tailoring and Jewelcrafting as my professions. I'm sitting at 441 with Tailoring and 150 with Jewelcrafting. I'm amazed at what you need to create items. Things that I used to toss to the side like 'Large Fangs' are now required elements for my professions. Talk about a gold drain. I have to train them all the way to the 410 level just to start getting to things that I can use and things that I can actually sell to help my other causes like epic flying. I've heard a lot of ranting over the upcoming patch changes. Things like epic flying are supposed to be 'less' expensive. So maybe I can expect 4K instead of 5K?? That will make a HUGE difference. (Madagan looks down so noone can see the eye roll) I've also heard of crazy things like giving mounts to a level 20 character. This is the craziest thing I've ever heard of. Would you put a 12 year old behind the wheel of a car? You might as well since they would get it it at age 15 anyway right? What's the big deal? (another eye roll) There used to be a sense of accomplishment when bringing a toon from level 1 to 70. There was a ton of content and things to get done. It seems that Blizzard is trying to zip new people as fast as they can to the wotlk content. There is a lot to see pre-tbc and enjoy. Fights like Onyxia, Zul'Gurub, Molten Core, An'Qiraj and others challenged you to the very core of you character. Those seperated players and raiders. It seems that Blizzard has watered down the game in an effort to include your more 'casual' player in better gear and end-game content. There used to be a time when you got epic loot it meant something. I remember raiding molten core for a month before my first purple. It meant a LOT when I got it. They mean a lot now it's just different.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Inching Ever Closer

I hit 79 today! I just kept a laser-like focus and before I knew it I saw the swirl of 79! I also got two achievements, 'Hemet Nesingwary: The collected quests' and 'The snows of Northrend'. I started the argent tournament dailies as well as my wyrmrest dailies. On to 80!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Hakkar down!

I logged in last night only to be invited immediately back to Zul'Gurub. I went as shadow again! Okay, go ahead, twist my arm. I SW:Pained, Mind Flayed and Mind Blasted my way to Hakkar. Hello me dear friend; it's been awhile. The last time we met I came as Grymly, the mighty hunter. Now I come as Madagan, shadow priest, and you will die. Hakkar put up a bit of a fight but he went down! I got the achievement as well. I have a bunch of coins to turn in for rep with the Zandalar tribe and apparently my 'neutral' status is not high enough to turn them in. Imagine, not having enough rep to turn in rep coins. LOL! It's time to get back to leveling the freak after a few days of helping guildies level their toons.

The only thing left in Zul'Gurub was melted trolls!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Found A New Home

I logged in last night to do my dailies and to work on my tailoring a little bit. About two weeks ago I left the guild that I was co-gm of because I was the only one in the guild playing for three weeks. Thinking back on the original drama and eventual implosion of the guild before my promotion, I decided to /gquit (which wasn't easy for me) and go solo. I've been paying attention to the recruit tells in Dalaran when I've passed through and the players that I've grouped with asking me to join up with them. Up to this point I've remained my own priest. I saw someone recruiting in Dalaran basically saying that they didn't need anyone and not to bother whispering them for an invite. What honesty. 'Too bad' I thought because based on the attitude alone I would have joined that guild. I gave him a quick whisper letting him know that. He gave me a name to contact if I was looking to join a guild so I sent the whisper. After some intial conversation I joined the guild and got their information into my vent, plugged in the headset and entered the guild chat. It was a great time talking with them and we all seemed to be about the same age. Imagine, playing wow with adults and without the drama of the past few months. After talking a little while I learned that a few of my new 'guildies' lived fairly close by. I felt a sense of connection that I hadn't felt in awhile (I know, everyone say awwwwwww). I had to relunctantly leave my new friends to take care of some 'real world matters' and I hoped to make it back to the game. I did. The second that I logged back on the group invite came through. I joined up and when my vent kicked in I 'walked in' on a conversation on how to take out a boss. I asked where we were going; Zul' Garub they said. I hadn't been in there in years. The last time I ventured into that troll infested garden it was with my hunter in 25-man raid groups after we downed molten core. 'This should be fun' I thought and it delivered as promised. I got to go in as shadow. Fun stuff!! I ended up getting an epic cloth piece. That instance was made for level 60 raiders back in the day but it was still sweet to get it. A drakari bow also dropped. I can't tell you how many runs my hunter made in there to get that bow and never even saw it much less lost a loot roll. Oh well. After a few bosses we decided to continue on another night. 4 of us from that group decided to keep going. We picked up an additional priest and eventually decided to go into Violet Hold. So a drood, a pally, a hunter and two priests ventured forth. We wiped on one of the first bosses who was a big elemental because of an overload of shadow damage. We got back into the instance, rebuffed and came to play! The other priest dropped out of shadow for a bit to help heal. We lost a little dps for the rest of the instance but nobody died either. I got a nice upgrade and gained a little more awareness with the new guild and being a main healer in general. Overall it was an awesome night of wow. One that I will remember for awhile.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Got Healz

I got on last night with the full intention of running an instance. I went into the LFG channel and signed up for 'dps' and 'heals' for Old Kingdom and Gun' Drak. I got my 2 Wyrmrest dailies knocked out and was questing in Zul Drak when the word came through; invite to Gun' Drak. There was a DK, Hunter, Rogue (that's a rare sighting these days) and a Pally. The DK dropped from the group and an 80 warrior stepped in his place. I was the first one to the summoning stone followed closely by the warrior and we started the summons. I'm tasked with keeping everyone standing and I'm up for the challenge. I have a good feeling about this group so we enter the portal. At the onset I can tell the rogue is going to be my healing 'special project'. He fights out front with the warrior when he should be stabbing away from behind. No problem, I'll just have to hit him with a renew at the beginning of the fight and just be ready. I'm trying to develop those 'proactive' judgements so I can get heals off right as they are needed not 'oh crap, go-go-go-go' heals. We ended up doing very well and noone died until the very last boss fight where my little friend the rogue barely dropped as the boss went down. I got a cloak upgrade, a robe upgrade and knocked out 2 quests. Oh ya and I also hit 78!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Holy? I Must Be Insane.

My brain must have been affected by running shadow all this time. I actually bought my dual-spec and came up with a holy spec to be a healer. What am I thinking? I think that I had my spec selected for about 5 seconds when the whisper came through, 'are you healz'? No time like the present I thought and joined the group. I did let the group know that I have majored in dps but was now trying to learn how to be a 'full-time' healer. I'm just trying to be more well rounded as a priest. Better to be honest with them. We headed to Old Kingdom where I did have some lingering quests to get done. Me, two death knights (still tripping over dk's) a hunter and a lock ventured into the instance. I must admit, I find old kingdom very challenging. I'm not quite sure why but I have found it to be one of the harder ones to do. We got around the first corner and almost on que the MT aggroed everything in sight and expected healing to keep up; it didn't. Our first wipe. I swear I need to make a macro that I can hit that says 'slow and steady'. What every happened to instance strategy? These days its' aggro everything and pray dps and heals can keep up. Aggravating but that's the wow world we live in. It didn't help that I had a new spec, had my spells in different spots on my bars and that this was my first real 'holy' effort. We got to the first boss and I was throwing heals like crazy. I put a prayer and renew on the MT and almost instantly he was at half damage. I started thinking that his guys spec was a little off. Dps spec is not a tank spec. I'm going to have to get a bit more knowledgeable on tank builds. If I'm going to be walking into a bloodbath I'd rather not get involved. The worst part of it was that I seemed to be running out of mana pretty quickly. I threw out the shadowfiend which gives me mana by the damage it does but it was too little too late. 2nd wipe. I couldn't believe the damage the MT was taking and how quickly he was taking it. I barely had time to get heals off to keep him standing. I even had this 'spirit' on him that is supposed to die in his place. I still haven't figured out that thing. The hunter ended up bailing and I did to. I felt bad but the group was not working out. This was my 2nd bad effort out of 3 in the last week so my healing confidence isn't sky high but I'm going to chalk it up as a 'learning opportunity' and keep rolling with it. I've been in bad groups as my hunter too but I've kept on shooting. I'm now halfway to 78 and I created my 'epic' flying carpet but I can't ride it yet; I only have to come up with the 5k to pay for the epic flying. Only 5k.

Magic Flying Carpet

I got it! I hit 77 and am now sporting the magic flying carpet! It's not epic so it is slow as hell but the game changes once you are flying. With some quests you have to battle your way through a lot of mobs to get to the acutal 'objective'. Now I can land right on top of it and stop the mindless killing. I just want to get the quests knocked out and get to the big 'quest turn in' XP moments. The grind continues....

Friday, June 5, 2009

3 1/2 bars

3 1/2 bars and I'll be 77 flying around on my carpet. It's a riot because you actually look like your surfing. I didn't get to play as much as I wanted to last night. After my dailies I entered a new zone, Shalazar Basin. This place is an XP goldmine. Plus I got a chance to get reacqainted with my old pal Nesingwary. I think that I played for about an hour and a half and came within 3 1/2 bars of hitting this critical level. For some reason I'm having fun leveling this character. It felt very much like a chore with my hunter. Go Shadow.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Shadow Carpet, Here I Come...

After 2 days off I climbed back into the saddle and proceeded towards 77. After the 2 mandatory Wyrmrest dailies (gotta have that drake) I flew over to Zul' Drak to continue melting the landscape. I have been doing quests for a full 2 days that I never even touched with my hunter. Wow continues to amaze me with how much there is to do. I entered the 'looking for group' channel in hopes of finding some people to help me with my Gun' Drak and Old Kingdom quests. I continued on in the 'prophets' quest chain where I spoke with a big leapord and bear that had me all over the eastern part of Zul' Drak. A group whispered me about joining a group to go into the arena. It's a group of quests where you fight a few monsters (they get harder as you go deeper into the fight) and get a decent reward for your effort. We had 4 in the group when I joined and we could never find a fifth. It didn't take long for the group to fall apart and I never did get to into an instance to knock those quests out but I did get to the halfway point to 77. I need to start gathering the rest of the mats necessary to create my beautiful, lovely flying carpet. I'll be needing it soon.....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We Apologize For The Inconvenience And Thank You For Your Patience And Understanding

After a well deserved night off I logged onto Wow tonight to continue the blaze to 77 and finally flying in wotlk. After a usual tuesday patch download (looks like hunters got a little more attack power and DK's got nerfed a bit; as usual zero for priests) I gladly accept twice (never understood that, it's like, 'are you sure that you agree to the new patch?'. Duh.) the new patch confirmation and I log into the game. Then I see it. 'Breaking News' on the top left side of the screen. 'We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding'. Seriously?? You apologize? Some blizzard geek probably tripped over a network cable semi pulling it out of a router somewhere and now the only thing I've been thinking about doing all day now is not going to happen. I understand servers, systems and other equipment needing routine and scheduled maintenance (I used to work in the industry) but this is crazy. You are supposed to have back up systems so there isn't any downtime. If this was an actual corporation and not a gaming company jobs would be lost when there were outages (or at least a stern talking to). We pay a monthly fee to play this game and I really don't expect there to be any problems. I'm sure that my refund check is in the mail for the downtime and 'inconvenience'. If I wasn't a shadow priest you would see me turning purple holding my breath.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Can Heal Afterall....Then Turned 76!

I knocked out my Wyrmrest dailies today and received 'honored' rep with Wyrmrest. I can just see me floating on my drake now.....ahhhh. Just as I was coming out of my drake daydream I got a whisper asking if I could heal a group. Coming off of my recent train wreck effort of healing I decided to get back in the saddle and give it another try. I let them know that I was normally dps but could still heal. I knew I could and I convinced them that I could. We went into Drak Tharon Keep. There was me and a troll mage and troll shaman and two undead DK's. I swear I trip over DK's no matter where I go. So 3 trolls and 2 undead decided to take on the depths of DTK. We blew through that place in about 20 minutes. It was unbelieveable - a delicate concert of renews and greater heals, a flash heal here and there, a few bubbles and prayer of mendings. It was beautiful and not one death occured. I did it! I kept the group up and didn't really stress about it. The tank was really good to. The exact quote was 'it's nice to not even notice the tank and healer'. That means we were doing our jobs and doing them well. I was thinking that being a full time healer wouldn't be such a bad thing. What a difference a group makes. 3 days ago I was hating the whole idea of healing and today I was feeling might fine about it. We did so well the group wanted to keep going so we went into Violet Hold and absolutely wrecked it! Again, zero deaths. I ended up getting a leg drop and got a decent reward from completeing a quest in there. High fives and well wishes were flying around. Next I went back to Zul' Drak and absolutely wore the landscape out grinding out the level. I ended up hitting 76! What a great day! After all was said and done, I healed two instances, got 3 gear upgrades and gained another level. I'm even 4 1/2 bars into the level. 77 here I come. I can hardly wait to see the shadow carpet!

The Birds Are Leaving The Nest

I was out riding the new bear mount around Zul' Drak grinding out (and quickly I might add) quests when I passed by a player who's name seemed very familiar to me but the guild tag over him did not. Then it hit me; yesterday he was in my guild. As co-gm I found myself mildly concerned so I throw a quick 'did you leave the guild?' whisper at him. We went back and forth a little bit and come to find out that he did leave because 'we weren't doing anything'. This is always the dilema as a guild leader balancing out your own personal interests with keeping the troops entertained. I was the only one around playing this entire weekend so it was hard to do anything 'guild related'. I can't blame him for leaving and quite frankly I'm thinking about it too. I'm the co-gm of a 6 member guild. The DK I managed to recruit also left because 'we never do anything'. These guys want to go into Naxx (just like I do) and camp out in there until they are dripping purple. My old guildie and I ended up grouping together and knocking out quests and he helped me out on a harder quest that bagged me a new blue foot item. The shadow freak is coming along nicely. I think I may be in need of a new guild.

Love The Ding

75!! That's right, I hit level 75! I've been camping out in Zul' Drak and finally hit 75. I got 2 achievements as well; one for completing the same daily quest 5 days in a row and another for buying the bear mount in Dalaran. Shadow bear! Is it me or do they give achievements for pretty much everything? I'm surprised I didn't get a 'Don't worry be happy' achievement for making my character laugh.