Friday, June 12, 2009

Hakkar down!

I logged in last night only to be invited immediately back to Zul'Gurub. I went as shadow again! Okay, go ahead, twist my arm. I SW:Pained, Mind Flayed and Mind Blasted my way to Hakkar. Hello me dear friend; it's been awhile. The last time we met I came as Grymly, the mighty hunter. Now I come as Madagan, shadow priest, and you will die. Hakkar put up a bit of a fight but he went down! I got the achievement as well. I have a bunch of coins to turn in for rep with the Zandalar tribe and apparently my 'neutral' status is not high enough to turn them in. Imagine, not having enough rep to turn in rep coins. LOL! It's time to get back to leveling the freak after a few days of helping guildies level their toons.

The only thing left in Zul'Gurub was melted trolls!

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