I logged in last night to do my dailies and to work on my tailoring a little bit. About two weeks ago I left the guild that I was co-gm of because I was the only one in the guild playing for three weeks. Thinking back on the original drama and eventual implosion of the guild before my promotion, I decided to /gquit (which wasn't easy for me) and go solo. I've been paying attention to the recruit tells in Dalaran when I've passed through and the players that I've grouped with asking me to join up with them. Up to this point I've remained my own priest. I saw someone recruiting in Dalaran basically saying that they didn't need anyone and not to bother whispering them for an invite. What honesty. 'Too bad' I thought because based on the attitude alone I would have joined that guild. I gave him a quick whisper letting him know that. He gave me a name to contact if I was looking to join a guild so I sent the whisper. After some intial conversation I joined the guild and got their information into my vent, plugged in the headset and entered the guild chat. It was a great time talking with them and we all seemed to be about the same age. Imagine, playing wow with adults and without the drama of the past few months. After talking a little while I learned that a few of my new 'guildies' lived fairly close by. I felt a sense of connection that I hadn't felt in awhile (I know, everyone say awwwwwww). I had to relunctantly leave my new friends to take care of some 'real world matters' and I hoped to make it back to the game. I did. The second that I logged back on the group invite came through. I joined up and when my vent kicked in I 'walked in' on a conversation on how to take out a boss. I asked where we were going; Zul' Garub they said. I hadn't been in there in years. The last time I ventured into that troll infested garden it was with my hunter in 25-man raid groups after we downed molten core. 'This should be fun' I thought and it delivered as promised. I got to go in as shadow. Fun stuff!! I ended up getting an epic cloth piece. That instance was made for level 60 raiders back in the day but it was still sweet to get it. A drakari bow also dropped. I can't tell you how many runs my hunter made in there to get that bow and never even saw it much less lost a loot roll. Oh well. After a few bosses we decided to continue on another night. 4 of us from that group decided to keep going. We picked up an additional priest and eventually decided to go into Violet Hold. So a drood, a pally, a hunter and two priests ventured forth. We wiped on one of the first bosses who was a big elemental because of an overload of shadow damage. We got back into the instance, rebuffed and came to play! The other priest dropped out of shadow for a bit to help heal. We lost a little dps for the rest of the instance but nobody died either. I got a nice upgrade and gained a little more awareness with the new guild and being a main healer in general. Overall it was an awesome night of wow. One that I will remember for awhile.
Congratulations on the new guild. I'm also in a collapsed guild and I've been slowly making contacts looking for a good one to join. It is definately easier to make friends when you are a healer.
ReplyDeleteI did a Zul'Gurub run about a month ago. I joined WoW mid TBC, so I never saw the vanilla endgame. We got about three bosses down before we called it. For a level 60 instance them bad guys hit hard! Now my problem is trying to balance Heroics with Soloing and still trying to see the rest of Azeroth I've missed.