I've added the argent tournament dailies to my wyrmrest dailies rotation. It takes about an hour or so to knock out the 8 or so quests. I have to admit that I'm really digging the shadow priest riding an ostrich with a lance!! I got into a group with my guild and we decided to take on Halls of Lightning. This isn't one of the hardest instances but the last boss is a challenge; this would certainly challenge the noobie healer (me). We went in and tore it apart up to the 2nd boss. We were pulling some mobs when our main healer (now blasting away in shadow) and hunter (they are a couple) yelled out that they were going to be shutting their computers down due to an electrical storm in their area. They weren't going to take a chance frying their systems due to a lightning strike. Bummer but understandeable. My stepson who was going as tank, me (now switching to shadow; gotta LOVE duel-spec) and our druid as dps decided to run Gun'Drak. We added a druid healer and another warrior and entered the fray. It was total domination. We got to the 2nd boss when somebody mentioned something about a temple that wasn't activated. The tank went back to activate it since he was a higher level and wouldn't aggro the mobs we had left behind. He ended up getting surprised by a mob so I ran to his position and dropped shadowform to hit him with a few quick heals. He was doing just fine on his own. The other warrior and low level druid ended up running over to where we were and dragged an aggro train to us. We warned them to stay put but we now had quite a situation. The tank ended up jumping into the water below and I did to because I wasn't going to last long with that punishment. When I hit the water 3 fish hit me and stunned me and just about killed me. When we got on dry land again, the train had managed to track us down and ended up killing me. The tank reeled in the mess but I was dead. The dps druid battle rezzed me and I came out swinging, um, well, healing! Once everything was stablized I switched back into shadow and melted the landscape! Noone else died, we survived quite a situation and were left better players for it. We were talking over our vent chat now about our new disdain for the other druid and warrior. We continued on blazing a path to glory. After the last boss was down the other warrior started giving our tank grief about how he needed to get better. Our tank is 12 years old and was tanking with the best of them. They might as well been attacking me when they went after him. Those two were quickly booted and it was a shame that we were already done with the instance. There are 'jerky' players out there but you have to shrug them off and keep going. I also gained the achievements 'Argent Valor' and '50 Daily Quests Completed'. Halfway to 80.
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