My guild put a group together of me, Branard (tank), Paganstix (dps druid), Frosta (hunter) and bloodyhealin' (priest going as shadow) to take on Halls of Stone. I've been in there once regular and once heroic before on my hunter. Frosta had been in there before but didn't really remember it and noone else had been in there. This will be fun. We got in there and Branard absolutely wrecked the place. Pagan's dps has been going up considerably and Frosta was 4 bars away from 79 and Bloody was nuking away. This was a motivated group and looked like one that was ready to run heroics on a regular basis based on the carnage we created. The most challenging fight in there was a fight were a dwarf tries to shut down this security system. Wave after wave of mobs comes out to get you along with lightning from the ceiling. The group was never in any danger as they all remained standing. Not one death. I got a nice pants upgrade which I quickly embroidered with spell power and spirit along with the Halls of Stone achievement. I was one instance away from Northrend Dungeonmaster needing only Occulus. We had gone through H.O.S. so quickly that everyone wanted to do another run.
With a little discussion we decided to go into Occulus. Branard had to leave for a bit and Bloody was suffering from the remnants of a sunburn so we had to start pugging for group slots. The three of us that were left flew over to Nexxus from Ulduar which was a 10 minute flight! Blizzard needs to work on that. There is no reason why I need to watch my priest on a flying mount for that long. When we got out there I knocked out one of my Wyrmrest dailies. Branard ended up coming back and we got one of our guildies with his geared rogue to come in and do some dps. We entered Occulus with only the rogue having been there before. The wreckage that I have come to expect from Branard continued until we reached this mage that gave us this dragon token. You used it to summon a dragon mount. The rest of the instance would require us to fly around these dragons to different platforms to take out the bosses. On one hand this was a pain in the butt but on the other it was certainly different from anything else I had done before. We were doing fine until the boss before the final dragon. There were 3 specific fights and on the last one we wiped. This mage had a nasty frost aura and every now and then would have this explosion go off and if you weren't standing behind a pillar you took on a ton of damage. I had gotten to far away from the group trying to stay out of the frost to heal effectively. We all got back up on that platform and decided to let Branard tank him while walking backwards with me standing behind him as he backed up. Frosta and the rogue died but I kept Pagan and Branard up while walking backwards. I'm truly seeing the value of group heals as opposed to clicking on individual targets and trying to keep everyone up at the same time. After the mage went down we quickly rezed Frosta and the rogue and continued on. Sometime within this fighting Frosta hit 79. We then flew on our dragons to the last boss fight - one gigantic blue dragon. We absoultely owned him! I got the Occulus achievement along with the Northrend Dungeonmaster achievement. I flew back to Dalaran and was able to train for the Wispcloak! It looks really great on!!
OT: I cannot beleive I’m blogging about this
15 years ago
Gratz! I'm only a few away from the Dungeonmaster title. Now I'm going to have to step up my game.
ReplyDeleteIf you are struggling with clicking on different targets all the time you should try the Healbot addon. It puts all your party's health bars in one frame and you just click on the bars that have damage. L Click for Flash Heal, R Click for Greater Heal, and Middle for Renew. Shift+L Click, Shift+R Click, Ctrl+L Click.... you get the idea. You can customize it for whatever spells you want to cast. It has definitely taken some of the pressure off me.