Ding! The deal is done. I now have a level 80 priest!! I had done the daily recommended allowance of dailies when my guild wanted to run something. They were all antsy and they wanted me to be 80. There was an outside warrior that wanted to run with us so after a little discussion we selected COS. (Culling of Stratholme) I had never done this instance in any fashion before so I thought that this would be fun. I wasn't wrong. I'm getting a little more proactive with the heals. About 20 minutes into the run I hit 80 and received the 80 achievement! I got a nice trinket upgrade and a new staff by the time the run was over. As a special present for hitting 80 I bought myself a new epic dagger, the Titansteel Spellblade with a big spirit enchant. Now the real game has begun. I'm trying to now figure out the gear and stats that I will need to make Madagan a truly great healer/melter.
Gratz! This is where it gets fun. It looks like you are having success in balancing healing with the joy of melting some fool's face off. You keep posting and I'll keep reading.