Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Got Healz

I got on last night with the full intention of running an instance. I went into the LFG channel and signed up for 'dps' and 'heals' for Old Kingdom and Gun' Drak. I got my 2 Wyrmrest dailies knocked out and was questing in Zul Drak when the word came through; invite to Gun' Drak. There was a DK, Hunter, Rogue (that's a rare sighting these days) and a Pally. The DK dropped from the group and an 80 warrior stepped in his place. I was the first one to the summoning stone followed closely by the warrior and we started the summons. I'm tasked with keeping everyone standing and I'm up for the challenge. I have a good feeling about this group so we enter the portal. At the onset I can tell the rogue is going to be my healing 'special project'. He fights out front with the warrior when he should be stabbing away from behind. No problem, I'll just have to hit him with a renew at the beginning of the fight and just be ready. I'm trying to develop those 'proactive' judgements so I can get heals off right as they are needed not 'oh crap, go-go-go-go' heals. We ended up doing very well and noone died until the very last boss fight where my little friend the rogue barely dropped as the boss went down. I got a cloak upgrade, a robe upgrade and knocked out 2 quests. Oh ya and I also hit 78!

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